Join GGMC or Renew Membership
Membership is open to anyone that shows or expresses an interest in the objectives of the Club. There are three classes of membership:
Class 1: (voting) Usually adults and senior members of the community. Class 1 membership dues are $20 per year.
Class 2: (non-voting) Usually children or members below the age of 18. Class 2 membership dues are $5 per year.
Class 3: (Lifetime Honorary) This type of membership is decided and voted on by the membership committee. Honorary members are those individuals who are exemplary Club volunteers and have furthered the Club’ss mission with an investment of personal time and effort. Honorary members do not pay dues.
Most of the money goes to Club liability insurance and Federation Dues. To receive a newsletter, at least one household member must be a Class 1 member. There are exceptions for college students.
For 2025 membership application follow the directions below:
Click on the icon below and print. You will need an Adobe Reader to read the document. If you do not have it please download for free from this link:
Adobe PDF Version
To download a copy for yourself, click the DOWNLOAD text at the bottom left-hand corner of the viewer. If you prefer your copy as a Microsoft Word Doc, Scroll down to the viewer at the bottom of this page. After you download the application, you can save it to your computer, then fill out the form.
To view the GGMC Application, full-screen, click on the diagonal arrow button in the box on the top right of the viewer.
After the viewer is full screen, look on the top left of the viewer and use the > arrow to scroll through the application and the + and – symbols to see the newsletter in optimum resolution for your screen.