On this page, you’ll find everything you need to attend, promote and sign up as a vendor for the 7th Annual Piedmont Open Air Greensboro Gem, Mineral, Rock and Jewelry Show & Sale of 2019 taking place on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 from 9 am to 5 pm.
You can download or save every file on this page. The top picture is an image file, so just right-click and save.
For all the other files you see on this page, they are displayed via an embedded document viewer, so go to the bottom left of the viewer document, then click on the Download text in blue. It will say if it’s a Microsoft Word Document or an Adobe PDF.
You can print the flyers and pass them out to share your passion for gems, rocks, minerals, and jewelry, or you can share the file on Facebook and social media. Or, you can share the docs as an attached file in an email.
Click here for the latest GGMC Membership Application.